Gujarat Day Celebration 2024
- Ticket Category
- Price {{event.CurrencySymbol}}
- Qty.
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{{ticket.ticketlistprice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
- {{ticket.ticketName}} {{ticket.ticketDescription}} {{ticket.ticketlistprice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}} - {{ticket.ticketPrice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
- {{ticket.ticketStatusName}}
- {{ticket.ticketStatusName}}
- {{ticket.blockdetail}}
- Select Seats
- {{groupticket.ticketName}} {{groupticket.ticketDescription}} {{groupticket.ticketlistprice}} - {{groupticket.ticketPrice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
- {{groupticket.ticketStatusName}}
Ticket Category
Price {{event.CurrencySymbol}}
{{ticket.ticketDescription}} {{ticket.ticketNonSeatAvailable}}
{{ticket.ticketlistprice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
{{ticket.ticketlistprice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
Select Seats
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{{groupticket.ticketlistprice | currency: event.CurrencySymbol}} {{groupticket.ticketPrice|currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
{{ticket.ticketlistprice | currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
{{ticket.ticketPrice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
- Ticket Category
- Price {{event.CurrencySymbol}}
- Qty.
- {{ticket.ticketDescription}}
- {{event.CurrencySymbol}}{{ticket.ticketlistprice}}
- {{ticket.ticketDescription}}
- {{ticket.ticketlistprice| currency: event.CurrencySymbol}}
Event Highlights :
- Western Gujjus incorporation welcoming 33000 Gujaratis from all over Victoria.
- The main purpose is to bring our own community under one roof and make a vibrant Gujarati community in Victoria.
Multicultural programme of Gujarati community which will not limited to
– Opening ceremony
– Different Gujarati culture dances
– Singing by different artists
– Stand up comedy
– Acknowledging kids for their achievements
– Acknowledgement to selfless individuals for their services in community
– Cultural Quizz and many more chances of wining exciting prizes
– Special video messages by well known Gujarati people of different industries from overseas
– Vote of thanks
– Community dinner
No tickets …. No entry
Event Terms & Conditions
- any persons deemed to be intoxicated and/or disorderly.
- Ticket can be scanned over phone, but phone screen should be properly visible, else you have to bring printed ticket confirmation for scanning purposes.
- No Photocopies or Phone Copies of Ids are accepted.
- Tickets are non-refundable – Once confirmed, ticket sales are final. No refunds, exchanges or cancellations are available.
- If an event is canceled/postponed, we will refund only the face value of the ticket and NOT the booking fee.
- Event Organiser & the Venue staff reserves the right to ask any guest to leave or remove them from the venue for any reason we see as inappropriate and for a successful running of our event.
- We operate a zero-tolerance policy on harassment. Anti-Social Behavior is unacceptable at our event.
- Adhere to all the rules of the venue.
- In an event of misconduct by patron’s, Event Organizer reserves the right to eviction.
- We recommend that you arrive at-least 30 minutes prior at the venue for a seamless entry.
- These terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time at the discretion of the organizer.
Event Disclaimer:
Premier Tickets is an online event and ticketing agency. Premier Tickets will NOT be responsible for any changes related to the event schedule, artist, venue or cancellation and refunds related to the tickets.- Event Organiser has all the rights to alter and/or modify and/or add seating arrangements based on the demand and availability of the space.
- In case of any misbehavior/misconduct by any person at the venue, Event Organiser has all the rights to evict that person from the auditorium and no refund will be given.
- Ticket availability and prices declared/quoted are subject to the change at the discretion of the event organiser without any notice.